Malware is defined as software that has malicious intent. Malware can delete files, change your browser path, or create what’s known as a C&C (Command & Control) connection to an external server, allowing a hacker to connect directly to your PC without you knowing. Yes, you should worry about malware, as it can cause you all kinds of headaches, such as running silently and hidden in the background and stealing your credentials when you log in.
There are many different types of malware. Malware and viruses are sometimes used interchangeably since both "infect" your computer and cause damage. The difference between malware and viruses is that malware is an umbrella term; viruses are just one type of malware among many other kinds. Malware also includes trojan horses, spyware, and ransomware.
Anti-malware software is a must for any business that uses the internet Your best defence against malware is a reliable anti-malware program on your PC, and if possible, anti-malware software at your firewall to prevent "bad stuff" from entering the network.
If you’re still not concerned about malware, know that 560,000 new pieces of malware are detected every day. Worse, 4 companies are hit by ransomware every minute. In choosing an anti-malware solution, you want to pick one that continually updates to keep you safe from new strains of malware.
Quick Intelligence's QuickProtect provides real-time malware protection. Consider QuickProtect your trusted advisors when it comes to all areas of cybersecurity. When QuickProtect is on your side, you don’t have to become a cybersecurity expert, we do that for you.