Quick Intelligence Blog

What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and What is the Security Risk to Your Business?

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the literally billions of devices vs. people that are connected to the Internet in some fashion. Rather than laptops and desktops being used by people, IOT devices are typically purpose-build devices that are performing a specific function. IoT refers to the myriad of new smart home devices like the Google Nest, Amazon’s Alexa and also your Smart TV that is connected to the Internet so you can run Netflix or Disney+ right from the TV without any set top boxes. Every one of those devices (TVs, refrigerators and other smart appliances, smart home devices like light switches, garage door openers, front door cameras, the list goes on) has an Internet address and can talk to the Internet, just like you do when you’re on your laptop or home PC surfing.

Topics: cyber security passwords

What Password Strategy Should You Use?

Just about everything you do online requires a password. Passwords make sense in that you don’t want someone to access, say, your bank account. But what is the best way to create a strong password?

Topics: passwords Multifactor Authentication