Quick Intelligence Blog

Are There Risks in Moving to a BYOD Policy?

(Image courtesy Trend Micro)

Topics: Backups cyber security Multifactor Authentication Compliance

How to Get Ready For Digital Transformation?

(Updated from November 12, 2021)

Topics: cyber security Cloud Digital Transformation

Top 5 Things Your Law Firm can do to Improve Cybersecurity

(This is a summary of an article written for TLOMA Today: 5 Things Your Law Firm Can do Right Now to Improve Cybersecurity)

Topics: Backups Ransomware cyber security passwords Multifactor Authentication Breach Anti-Virus

3 Common Myths About Ransomware You Should Avoid

(Updated from September 29, 2021)

Topics: Backups Ransomware cyber security Breach Malware

What is a Defence-in-Depth Strategy?

Defence-in-depth is what cybersecurity experts refer to as a complete strategy of securing your network environment. It involves detecting threats and protecting network endpoints. The question does arise, do you need a defence-in-depth strategy? Can a business rely on detection versus protection?

Topics: cyber security Malware Anti-Virus

Why Would a Cybercriminal Want to Hack my Small Business?

If you believe your company is too small to be targeted by cybercriminals, think again. Due to their lack of substantial cyber security budgets, small businesses are often viewed by hackers as “low hanging fruit,” or easy targets. Statistics confirm this as well.

Topics: Backups Ransomware Phishing cyber security passwords Multifactor Authentication Breach Malware

Why Should I Worry About Malware?

Malware is defined as software that has malicious intent. Malware can delete files, change your browser path, or create what’s known as a C&C (Command & Control) connection to an external server, allowing a hacker to connect directly to your PC without you knowing. Yes, you should worry about malware, as it can cause you all kinds of headaches, such as running silently and hidden in the background and stealing your credentials when you log in.

Topics: cyber security Malware Anti-Virus

Does my Organization Need Multifactor Authentication?

(Updated from September 10, 2021)

Topics: cyber security passwords Multifactor Authentication Breach

Top Five Ways to Protect Your Business’s Endpoints

Your company's network and data are accessible via endpoints. Desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, servers, workstations, and even Internet-of-things (IoT) devices are examples of endpoints. Securing those endpoints is important as a lot of data ends up going through those endpoints.

Topics: Ransomware cyber security Malware

Why Prioritizing Your Key Business Processes Important?

(Updated from November, 19th 2021)

Topics: Backups Ransomware cyber security Breach Malware